Spotlight: DJ Prodigy
DJ Prodigy is a family man, whether its his ballroom family or his biological family, both families have been instrumental to molding the DJ Prodigy that knows. Verrell Chanel DJ Prodigy’s cousin, was the first to take DJ to a ball, in 2004. At first DJ did not like what he saw, but with more exposure to the scene, the urge to walk increased. Deciding to walk realness with a twist, was again due to his family, namely his cousin who is also a twister. Twisting came easy for DJ, due to his dance background, growing up he had been involved in school plays, dance recitals, and ballroom dancing.
When asked to describe the Chicago Scene, DJ Prodigy’s sense of family is evident once more, “the group of people I was introduce to in the
DJ Prodigy took the family ethos when deciding which house to belong to, “Going back to my cousin [who] was a Prodigy at the time, and [they are] very family oriented, make you feel right at home. Once I got the feel of that, I wanted to be a Prodigy, very cool house very nice individuals. ”
Even outside of the ballroom scene, DJ Prodigy is family oriented, with his biological family as well, for example on Mother’s Day he cooked Chicken Parmesan meal from scratch as a present. Focusing on family and in turn surrounding yourself with people who earnestly care about you, not only serves as vital to your self esteem, also is a grounding mechanism that helps one keep things in perspective, which is evident with DJ Prodigy. When asked how he feels about those who use the accolades and adjuration of the ballroom scene as means of self-validation, DJ responds with, “everyone should be humble when receiving accolades, that weren’t promised to you…or in life period.” This humility is easy to understand in those who do not do well in the scene, but for someone who has received a total of five of the years, Midwest Awards Ball Twister for year, Midwest People’s Choice Twister of the Year, Philly Twister, New York Twister, and
DJ Prodigy is a prime example of big things coming in small packages, not only is he turning his category, but he does not define himself by his wins or losses, by his heart and his integrity. Whether it be laughing at rumors questioning his small stature in height, or honing his skill, DJ Prodigy is young man poised to turn it, in future both in life and the ballroom scene.
Word Association
Crafting Different strokes for Different folks
Fights Dangerous
Misconception Alot
Humility Tim Tim Milan
Seedy Not Fond Of
Hard Work Myself
Love My father
Examples of DJ Prodigy at Work
Labels: Ballroom Scene, DJ Prodigy
way to go short stuff really nailed it and i enjoyed reading the article......
Anonymous, at 11:16 PM
it was very nice to get an inside look at the life of the new and fabulous face of DJ Prodigy. The article was good and a true star is born.
Anonymous, at 11:44 PM
W0W. I am pretty impressed, to start at such a young age and really develope your talent is great, esp. cause not many people do it. You should check out this event going down tomorrow (Thursday 06/14/07), Dice Raw from The Roots and Truck North are performing live in Puritan Mills along with battling DJ’s and pimp kicks artists. You don’t wanna miss it because it’s FREE! Visit for more info and to RSVP. I just wanted to pass this along to ya’ll because I work with Toyota. Payce!
Unknown, at 7:52 PM
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