It’s Time to Start Speaking to the World Again…..
It’s been gone for a minute now I’m back with the Jump-OFF!!!! This is Wise&Young and some of you may be wondering what the hell happened, while some of you may ask who the hell are you? Both of which are very legitimate questions, so allow me to re-introduce myself. I’m a 24 year old African-American gay male in the DC area who chronicles his life in his blog. Now to answer why I have not blogged in a while the answer is simple, I got bored with it and ran out of things to say and new experiences to chronicle. To bring everyone up to speed here is what is new with me.
Left my job @ the university
Got rejected from grad school
Love life still non existent
I work out at least 3x a week
I have a new job as a consultant at a Management & Strategy Consulting Firm
I’ll be traveling to Denver, Albuquerque, Portland, and Anchorage
So except a great depth and variety of my blog topics to come…including but not limited to DC Pride, Love life, Facebook Pimpin’, Breaking up with a friend, Traveling and the New Job, Getting ya shit together, and my new favorite show Windfall.
Just my thoughts
Left my job @ the university
Got rejected from grad school
Love life still non existent
I work out at least 3x a week
I have a new job as a consultant at a Management & Strategy Consulting Firm
I’ll be traveling to Denver, Albuquerque, Portland, and Anchorage
So except a great depth and variety of my blog topics to come…including but not limited to DC Pride, Love life, Facebook Pimpin’, Breaking up with a friend, Traveling and the New Job, Getting ya shit together, and my new favorite show Windfall.
Just my thoughts
OH F to the fucking FINALLY !
Do u know how many times i clicked on ur link (since the 17th of March) and had to go to another page because u were gone ???
Don't u ever do that againn LOL
Welcome back... and STAY !!
( look who's talkin, check when my last update was :D )
Soldier, at 2:21 PM
what the hell is windfall???
N4R, at 9:49 AM
After you told me about Windfall..I caught the reshowing of the first episode...I loved it. It's now on my lineup.
You left me without a dope beat to step to lol
Ms.Honey, at 11:34 AM
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