Nigga Day
Today is just one of those nigga days I have sometimes. Let me first state before I get into what a nigga day is, I love the word nigga, its one of the few instances in which Black people show they have control over the English language. Very few words are White people afraid to say in front a group of Blacks, and nigga is one of them…they know that there is a high probability that even that Uncle Tom, or Aunt Jane (terms used to describe Black who have “sold out”) will even act a fool and show their color.
So today I’m havin’ a nigga day at work, and probably until I go to sleep, for me a nigga day is when you act like a pure D nigga. I came to work today, with the attitude of shit they lucky I came today, and they BEST not say SHIT to me. My face is all chopped and screwed, people coming’ to me with dumb shit have already been told about themselves. I mean you are too damn grown to act like you don’t know how to do the simplest of tasks without someone holding your hand. Don’t get me wrong I’m still professional, I’m having a nigga day, I’m not a nigga though BIG difference.
I think what set me off is that I feel under pressure, I did not make a lot of money at all last year, considering for the better part of 2005 I had two jobs working seven days a week. Then on top of that it looks like every time I do my taxes it looks like I owe Uncle Same some money!?!?!?!?!?!!??!!? Where the fuck are those Enron accountants when I need them?!?!?!?!?! I mean shit; I was at home scratchin’ my head like Step-in-Fetch it trying to think of some creative way to get a credit and to no avail. On top of that, I am under some serious financial pressure, so much so that I’m looking for a new job because I cannot afford to live on what I’m making anymore especially in a field that I am in any way shape of form getting fulfilled.
So I made an executive decision that the next job I get I need to get NO LESS than 40k, in the DC metro area it isn’t as high as it sounds, and I am not doing ANYTHING, admin and/or customer service. I hate it, I mean I’m good at it but I really don’t like dealing with people asking, and whining over shit. Ideally I would have liked to work in politics making 40k but with my little bit of experience and lack of viable hook ups that shit is a pipe dream now. Just to tie this into my nigga day, I’m straight looking for another job at my current jobs, and making lists of possible places to work and stuff like that.
Tonight I’m going to the NOVA chapter of the Young Professionals League of the Urban League. Hopefully that will breed some potential contacts and whatnot, a brotha is over here struggling with trying to live. Hell it’s like every pay period I look at my bills and get depressed because after I may those bad boys I have no money. I’m essentially living to work, & not vice versa.
What the fuck am I doing wrong?!?!?!?!?
All I know is nobody besta come to my black ass with no bullshit….I ain’t the one
Just my thoughts
Today is just one of those nigga days I have sometimes. Let me first state before I get into what a nigga day is, I love the word nigga, its one of the few instances in which Black people show they have control over the English language. Very few words are White people afraid to say in front a group of Blacks, and nigga is one of them…they know that there is a high probability that even that Uncle Tom, or Aunt Jane (terms used to describe Black who have “sold out”) will even act a fool and show their color.
So today I’m havin’ a nigga day at work, and probably until I go to sleep, for me a nigga day is when you act like a pure D nigga. I came to work today, with the attitude of shit they lucky I came today, and they BEST not say SHIT to me. My face is all chopped and screwed, people coming’ to me with dumb shit have already been told about themselves. I mean you are too damn grown to act like you don’t know how to do the simplest of tasks without someone holding your hand. Don’t get me wrong I’m still professional, I’m having a nigga day, I’m not a nigga though BIG difference.
I think what set me off is that I feel under pressure, I did not make a lot of money at all last year, considering for the better part of 2005 I had two jobs working seven days a week. Then on top of that it looks like every time I do my taxes it looks like I owe Uncle Same some money!?!?!?!?!?!!??!!? Where the fuck are those Enron accountants when I need them?!?!?!?!?! I mean shit; I was at home scratchin’ my head like Step-in-Fetch it trying to think of some creative way to get a credit and to no avail. On top of that, I am under some serious financial pressure, so much so that I’m looking for a new job because I cannot afford to live on what I’m making anymore especially in a field that I am in any way shape of form getting fulfilled.
So I made an executive decision that the next job I get I need to get NO LESS than 40k, in the DC metro area it isn’t as high as it sounds, and I am not doing ANYTHING, admin and/or customer service. I hate it, I mean I’m good at it but I really don’t like dealing with people asking, and whining over shit. Ideally I would have liked to work in politics making 40k but with my little bit of experience and lack of viable hook ups that shit is a pipe dream now. Just to tie this into my nigga day, I’m straight looking for another job at my current jobs, and making lists of possible places to work and stuff like that.
Tonight I’m going to the NOVA chapter of the Young Professionals League of the Urban League. Hopefully that will breed some potential contacts and whatnot, a brotha is over here struggling with trying to live. Hell it’s like every pay period I look at my bills and get depressed because after I may those bad boys I have no money. I’m essentially living to work, & not vice versa.
What the fuck am I doing wrong?!?!?!?!?
All I know is nobody besta come to my black ass with no bullshit….I ain’t the one
Just my thoughts
I believe we all have those days. Come to work, with the mindframe set by Bernie Mac in King Of Comedy, "I ain't come in to do no work today." You are not alone my brother.
R. Triggus Jackson, at 3:35 PM
I'm having a "I can't stand other people's children day," which isn't good being that I'm a teacher.
Shana, at 11:30 AM
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