What a weekend!
The first stop was to this open house/pre-sell for this condo unit in Congress Heights, DC. The prices were very reasonable but the neighborhood, well let me preface with what I have to stay is that I grew in up in the hood in Norfolk called Huntersville, so I know hood, this place is hood. The prices are very affordable 159k for one bedroom and 189k for two bedroom one bath, and the amenities are as follows: Hardwood floors, Marble Bath, Granite Countertops, Stainless Steel Appliances, Washer & Dryer, Central Air and Heat, Balcony or patio, Security Entrance, Security System in each unit, and On site secured parking. I have to give them credit it is a great building, but the location is the troubling part to me. I wish I could had some inside knowledge about future developments in that area so I could know if the neighborhood is really going to be turning around. But like everything in life it’s a leap of faith. So if anyone has any information on re-vitalization efforts for Congress Heights, DC let me know thanks! Bathroom with Marble Flooring
Hardwood flooring in the bedroom
More Hardwood flooring, stainless steel applicanes, and granite countertops
After that I went to Beltsville to one of my friends home in Beltsville, MD. Let me tell you the house is BANGIN’ her parents decided to move back to Jamaica and she is living in this amazing property by herself. The food at the BBQ was great, and in abundance, folks were getting the ‘itis. But after people woke up from their lull, it was on with lively conversation, great laughs, mixed drinks, and card games, and dominoes. I stayed there for at least 5 hours and time went by so fast. After leaving her house I didn’t get back home until 11. Then I got the phone calls.
I checked my missed calls and I had about 3 or 4 from various people, and after returning them. Turns out that everyone, albeit they were all gay, were going to or at this person’s house party in Silver Spring. It was thrown under the guise of a certain fraternity, which had me perplexed because even though I am not a member. I knew, that no chapter would host a gay house party. After a quick washing up, to get rid of that smoke from the BBQ off of me, and an outfit change, I was out the house, again. It only took me 20 minutes to get there, and I could hear the music bumping from two blocks away. After I pay my entrance fee of 5 dollars, I realize that it is not really a house party as much as an outside big ass backyard party. The atmosphere was cool, but it was kind of dark, which made it hard for my eyes to adjust. I know some guys thought that I was checking them out, until they saw me squinting in their direction. Eventually I found three people who I knew and had a good time. Then I notice something….Are those guys checking me out? At first I brush it off because I figure that they were trying to look for people they knew like I had done previously. But, then no matter where I moved, these same people were checking me out. Which made me feel good, but it didn’t last long.
Before leaving my house, I told one of my boys at the party, and he said that he, his new love interest, and some guy I can’t stand would be rolling through as well. I just said okay, gave them the address and said I would meet them there. Then they come through, before I write anymore I have to put out this warning please do not read this and think that I am shallow, it will come across that way but that is not the intent of the piece. So they come in, basically looking busted, my boy has one some mis-matching, wrinkled shirt on with some pleated front chino shorts and timbs. His new love interest is a short and big guy. But that is not the issue, as much as you thinking you can wear anything when that is not reality. Case in point, he had one some tight sleeveless shirt on, which made him look, not the best. Then the other guy, was just funny looking as usual. But to each his own right? Wrong, I noticed that after they came and we started talking and hanging around each other, the looks and glances I had stopped, cold. Now at first I thought well it is because I was in a group of people, but I had been standing with friends before and I still was getting looks. So for the rest of my time there I tried to separate myself from the group but everytime I tried these folks would find me, within two minutes. After awhile it was just frustrating because even when I do roll with people we do not need to stand around each other in a group the whole night. That annoys me. So after awhile I just left.
Then on Saturday I hung out with one of my friends and their friend for a little while. But all in all it was a great, weekend….
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