T.E.R.P.S. update
A post or two ago, I informed anyone who read about this new plan of mine, called TERPS, which is an acronym for Travel, Economics, Relationships, Physical, and Spiritual five pronged plan of operation that I devised in order to achieve my ultimate goal, to be the best person I can be on all fronts. So I have been diligently working to make sure I definitely do the best I can to achieve these goals.
First let me start with Travel, the end goal of my travel is to go to Bahian Heat in 07, with a trip to someplace outside of my metro area at least once every other month. As far as a status update, I went to Hampton Roads for a family emergency, I’ll get into that later. I have saved my first 100 towards my Bahian trip, and it looks like I will be going to NYC in August. This plan may have to be changed due to my next topic….
Economics, this is area is where I have focused a lot of my energy to as of late. I got a financial advisor, with Waddell and Reed. I was referred to him by my boy B.I.T. Baller In Training, who I promise you all will make more money than a little bit sooner than you would believe. But I digress, one thing that the advisor told me was to have a option day, which is the day when you do not have to work anymore and can live comfortably on your investments. Mine is my April 20, 2017, my 35th birthday. We also talked about my plan to own residential property before my 25th birthday, and how I plan to use my retirement money to finance some of the costs associated with the home buying process. Also, I got pre-approved for a home loan, that is financed with Fannie Mae, and I signed an exclusivity contract with a realtor I met . He is sure that he can find me something in the DC area for 180k or less, I was approved for a lot more than that, but I still want to be able to live and save money, by October, I have a deadline of April 20th, so I am not in a huge rush, but I still want to do this in an expeditious manner.
Relationships, I had a family emergency that required me to come home, only 8 hours earlier than I expected. In a way it was good, it help cement bonds with people I care about. I have distanced myself away from a good deal of people I know, and bloggers mainly because I wasn’t getting anything from having those people in my life at all. I did go out to the Bachelors Mill on Saturday, b/c I didn’t feel like being bothered in the too packed, hot as all hell Delta. But to my surprise, the Mill had a long ass line when I went there! I was pretty shocked because it wasn’t what I excepted. Needless to say, it was packed in there, granted there were fine ass men, but for the past few weeks I haven’t had the urge, or desire to really meet people. I’m on some Greta Garbo “I want to be left alone”. It’s gotten so bad that, I’ve actually developed tunnel vision in areas where there are too many guys. Its like sensory overload too many niggas and I just don’t really see anyone, its hard to explain but I know it must be common in DC. That would explain why every time I stand someplace people are constantly bumping into me, and stepping on my shoes.
Physical, I was doing really well going 4x a week, eating right, the whole nine. But after the family emergency happened I felt both emotionally, and physically drained. So last week I didn’t go to the gym. But on Monday I went, instead of doing 40 mins of cardio I did 15, and yesterday I didn’t go altogether. This is why I need a work out partner, if I knew I had to meet someone at the gym I would go. As far as the personal trainer goes, I may have to hold off on that, and instead put that towards the building fund, but I haven’t decided yet. But if anyone here wants a work out partner and you’re a member of Gold’s Gym HIT ME UP!!!!
Spiritual, last week I got the word, from a church a soror of mine attends. I don’t know if that’ll be my home church or not, but I will go to another church this Sunday. Any suggestions?
Just my thoughts
First let me start with Travel, the end goal of my travel is to go to Bahian Heat in 07, with a trip to someplace outside of my metro area at least once every other month. As far as a status update, I went to Hampton Roads for a family emergency, I’ll get into that later. I have saved my first 100 towards my Bahian trip, and it looks like I will be going to NYC in August. This plan may have to be changed due to my next topic….
Economics, this is area is where I have focused a lot of my energy to as of late. I got a financial advisor, with Waddell and Reed. I was referred to him by my boy B.I.T. Baller In Training, who I promise you all will make more money than a little bit sooner than you would believe. But I digress, one thing that the advisor told me was to have a option day, which is the day when you do not have to work anymore and can live comfortably on your investments. Mine is my April 20, 2017, my 35th birthday. We also talked about my plan to own residential property before my 25th birthday, and how I plan to use my retirement money to finance some of the costs associated with the home buying process. Also, I got pre-approved for a home loan, that is financed with Fannie Mae, and I signed an exclusivity contract with a realtor I met . He is sure that he can find me something in the DC area for 180k or less, I was approved for a lot more than that, but I still want to be able to live and save money, by October, I have a deadline of April 20th, so I am not in a huge rush, but I still want to do this in an expeditious manner.
Relationships, I had a family emergency that required me to come home, only 8 hours earlier than I expected. In a way it was good, it help cement bonds with people I care about. I have distanced myself away from a good deal of people I know, and bloggers mainly because I wasn’t getting anything from having those people in my life at all. I did go out to the Bachelors Mill on Saturday, b/c I didn’t feel like being bothered in the too packed, hot as all hell Delta. But to my surprise, the Mill had a long ass line when I went there! I was pretty shocked because it wasn’t what I excepted. Needless to say, it was packed in there, granted there were fine ass men, but for the past few weeks I haven’t had the urge, or desire to really meet people. I’m on some Greta Garbo “I want to be left alone”. It’s gotten so bad that, I’ve actually developed tunnel vision in areas where there are too many guys. Its like sensory overload too many niggas and I just don’t really see anyone, its hard to explain but I know it must be common in DC. That would explain why every time I stand someplace people are constantly bumping into me, and stepping on my shoes.
Physical, I was doing really well going 4x a week, eating right, the whole nine. But after the family emergency happened I felt both emotionally, and physically drained. So last week I didn’t go to the gym. But on Monday I went, instead of doing 40 mins of cardio I did 15, and yesterday I didn’t go altogether. This is why I need a work out partner, if I knew I had to meet someone at the gym I would go. As far as the personal trainer goes, I may have to hold off on that, and instead put that towards the building fund, but I haven’t decided yet. But if anyone here wants a work out partner and you’re a member of Gold’s Gym HIT ME UP!!!!
Spiritual, last week I got the word, from a church a soror of mine attends. I don’t know if that’ll be my home church or not, but I will go to another church this Sunday. Any suggestions?
Just my thoughts
Man, I am digging your TERPS plan FOR REAL! I checked your blog a little over a month ago when you first introduced it and I am glad to see you following through.
Seeing a financial advisor was the smartest thing you could do. I did the same thing in my early 20s and it has changed my life. It feels good to know that you are doing something that most people wait until their 40s to do.
Buying property is the way to go.
Going to the gym can be hard if you are thrown off track. Get back in there. Good luck on finding a workout partner.
Church. I am in the midst of finding a new church home as well. What are you looking for in one?
Anonymous, at 7:07 PM
You're off to a really good start. This is a great reflection of your character. A man of your word, determined, committed.... Keep up the good work!
BuddahDesmond, at 11:33 PM
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