Third Installment of T.E.R.P.S.
Okay so here is my third installment of T.E.R.P.S., pretty much I’m doing well in almost all the areas, now I have to step it up both in intensity and in goals. So let me recap for those who are not familiar over the summer I developed this five point plan in order to improve myself on the five areas of life that I deemed important to me, Travel, Economics, Relationships, Physical, and the Spiritual.
Travel was and still is important for a few reasons, mainly because I usually sit home alone and wonder what the hell to do. Originally I had planned on saving up to go to Bahian Heat for 2007, and make an out of town trip at least once a month. Well as of now, I have most definitely traveled out of the DC metro area at least once a month, from going back home, Norfolk, VA, Philly, New York, and to Baltimore. I have definitely kept up on my domestic traveling, but as far as the Bahian Heat goes, I am not too sure I want to go on an exclusively gay thing anymore. Granted the price is most definitely right, but I am growing tried of the Pride scene. So right now I am rethinking, I am thinking about actually taking a trip in January, February, or March. This way its off season for a lot of tourist spots, and the crowds won’t be nearly as bad. In the mail a few days ago I got this coupon from NWA saying that I can travel roundtrip to anywhere in the US for 198, anyone have any suggestions? Oh my best friend and I decided last night we are going to go to the Evisu Ball in October, it should be very interesting, considering I really didn’t get to see anything but one category, but the energy was LIVE.
Economics, or my economic state rather is extremely important because I took a job where I make about 50% more than what I was making previously. I got a financial advisor signed up for two money market accounts, with automatic withdrawal from my checking account, rolled over money into my 401k, money that was automatically put into a savings vehicle with the state, now I have that money put into an IRA. But now, what I am working on or have in the works owning a home by Thanksgiving, which is five months earlier than I had originally planned. Refinance my truck after I buy my home, and in the process of doing all this clean up my credit report, get rid of as many errors as possible, and when take time comes along make sure I hire the best CPA for my situation. So that I can take advantage of all the take breaks that come along with owning a home. From there I want to aggressively pay off my credit card debit which is only 1600, and to pay off what I owe on my truck like 10k. Ideally I want to keep saving 200 a month at least, and pay off my credit card in 6-8 months, and to pay off my truck in two years.
Relationships, well this is probably the one area of myself and my life that I am not so good in. What I have done is strengthen the bonds I have with my true friends that I have, and cut off those aren’t really helpful. What I have found out is that, I only have three real friends, which is about average, but two are no longer in the DC metro area as of October, and my best friend lives in Richmond. So I’m finding myself more and more alone. So what I am trying to figure out now is how can I meet more people, currently the only activity I do consistently is go to the gym, but I’ll get into that later. I’ve tried doing the Habitat for Humanity but in the DC and Northern VA area, they do things so sporadically that its not consistent enough. For instance, I signed up for things to do in July, and its September and they are just now having some events. I was also thinking about joining a graduate chapter of my frat, but the more I think about it, the more it gives me a headache, I love my frat just not the brothers, well not most. So right now I’m trying to find some activities to get involved with so that I can start meeting people who have some interests outside of bedroom.
Physical, my physical is getting there. I am on this new workout regime where I workout two body parts a day for 5-6 days a week. Which pretty much means I’m hitting everybody part at least twice and I have definitely seen some results. I have done this four about four weeks and I have gained strength and lost about six lbs. I took creatine for like two weeks, and it has definitely helped. I’m not on creatine and will wait two weeks before trying cell tech. But what I really need more than any supplement is a workout partner. Because I find myself not pushing myself as far as I could for fear that I will drop the weight and cause physical damage. Every now and again, I ask for someone to spot me, and when I do I am able to push myself further than I ordinarily would.
Spiritual, I haven’t found a home church, but I honestly haven’t been looking. I started to revive some of my old spiritual practices that I used to do, and it centers me.
Travel was and still is important for a few reasons, mainly because I usually sit home alone and wonder what the hell to do. Originally I had planned on saving up to go to Bahian Heat for 2007, and make an out of town trip at least once a month. Well as of now, I have most definitely traveled out of the DC metro area at least once a month, from going back home, Norfolk, VA, Philly, New York, and to Baltimore. I have definitely kept up on my domestic traveling, but as far as the Bahian Heat goes, I am not too sure I want to go on an exclusively gay thing anymore. Granted the price is most definitely right, but I am growing tried of the Pride scene. So right now I am rethinking, I am thinking about actually taking a trip in January, February, or March. This way its off season for a lot of tourist spots, and the crowds won’t be nearly as bad. In the mail a few days ago I got this coupon from NWA saying that I can travel roundtrip to anywhere in the US for 198, anyone have any suggestions? Oh my best friend and I decided last night we are going to go to the Evisu Ball in October, it should be very interesting, considering I really didn’t get to see anything but one category, but the energy was LIVE.
Economics, or my economic state rather is extremely important because I took a job where I make about 50% more than what I was making previously. I got a financial advisor signed up for two money market accounts, with automatic withdrawal from my checking account, rolled over money into my 401k, money that was automatically put into a savings vehicle with the state, now I have that money put into an IRA. But now, what I am working on or have in the works owning a home by Thanksgiving, which is five months earlier than I had originally planned. Refinance my truck after I buy my home, and in the process of doing all this clean up my credit report, get rid of as many errors as possible, and when take time comes along make sure I hire the best CPA for my situation. So that I can take advantage of all the take breaks that come along with owning a home. From there I want to aggressively pay off my credit card debit which is only 1600, and to pay off what I owe on my truck like 10k. Ideally I want to keep saving 200 a month at least, and pay off my credit card in 6-8 months, and to pay off my truck in two years.
Relationships, well this is probably the one area of myself and my life that I am not so good in. What I have done is strengthen the bonds I have with my true friends that I have, and cut off those aren’t really helpful. What I have found out is that, I only have three real friends, which is about average, but two are no longer in the DC metro area as of October, and my best friend lives in Richmond. So I’m finding myself more and more alone. So what I am trying to figure out now is how can I meet more people, currently the only activity I do consistently is go to the gym, but I’ll get into that later. I’ve tried doing the Habitat for Humanity but in the DC and Northern VA area, they do things so sporadically that its not consistent enough. For instance, I signed up for things to do in July, and its September and they are just now having some events. I was also thinking about joining a graduate chapter of my frat, but the more I think about it, the more it gives me a headache, I love my frat just not the brothers, well not most. So right now I’m trying to find some activities to get involved with so that I can start meeting people who have some interests outside of bedroom.
Physical, my physical is getting there. I am on this new workout regime where I workout two body parts a day for 5-6 days a week. Which pretty much means I’m hitting everybody part at least twice and I have definitely seen some results. I have done this four about four weeks and I have gained strength and lost about six lbs. I took creatine for like two weeks, and it has definitely helped. I’m not on creatine and will wait two weeks before trying cell tech. But what I really need more than any supplement is a workout partner. Because I find myself not pushing myself as far as I could for fear that I will drop the weight and cause physical damage. Every now and again, I ask for someone to spot me, and when I do I am able to push myself further than I ordinarily would.
Spiritual, I haven’t found a home church, but I honestly haven’t been looking. I started to revive some of my old spiritual practices that I used to do, and it centers me.
TERPS is favorite thing that you have introduced us to... You are making strides...
Travel- love it... you know I am no stranger to hitting the road!
Economic- I am very impressed by the fact that at a very young age you are looking into things such as money market accounts and IRAs... when I was your age I started investing money in the same things and 5 years later I am glad I did... money was a bit tight then, but things got easier... Also, YES!!!! PAY OFF THE CREDIT CARD AND CAR! There is no feeling better than financial freedom--- NOT EVEN SEX!!!!
Relationship-- You will meet people. I don't know when, how, or where, but you will...
Physical--- judging by the pics you are doing very well...
Spriritually- start looking for a church again and just commit yourself to a thing or two... it may take the place of Habitat for Humanity. Make sure your spirit is settled with the place you choose to worship.
Just my thoughts... once again--- LOVE T.E.R.P.S!!!
Anonymous, at 7:16 AM
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