T.E.R.P.S Update
T.E.R.P.S. Update
Well its not been a good quarter for TERPS. I have been in a mood indigo.
Travel: Still saving up for my trip to
Economics: Bought a home, sublet my apt for the duration of the lease, and starting the last week in February going to aggressively target raising my FICO score by 30 pts by the end of August.
Relationships: Fuck love, well romantic love at least, that’s just something that has and will allude be so I’ve come to terms with that. My mom and I have grown closer, and I wish I was physically closer to my friends who are beginning to move to various points of the
Physical: Yea haven’t hit the gym seriously since before T-day and really feel no incentive nor desire to really do anything.
Spiritual: I read Psalm 73.
Just my thoughts
Not mood indigo!!!!
Congratulations on the house!!! You are light years ahead many of your peers!!
Man, keep saving... Brazil ain't gonna be s**t until you set foot on the beaches, right?
My mother and I are hitting it off as well. Doesn't it feel good?
I am not even going to comment on men today... there is not enough blogspace in the world! I don't blame you for sick of the kids!
Working on your credit? Now that is one you don't hear everyday... I like the way your mind works.
Get up and go to the gym... Spring and Summer are right around the corner.
I'm done. =)
Anonymous, at 6:20 PM
Thanks for sharing man.
Peace, Blessings and much Success.
Boy the summer is about to be up on that ass and you don't want to be the wide-load with the big t-shirt on the beach...and you know your hometown hosts the first east coast gay pride celebration for Memorial! Let me find out.. LOL
Congrats on the house... where are you registered for housewarming gifts?
Unknown, at 1:33 AM
as an almost MD alumna... I enjoyed your use of Terps
C. Baptiste-Williams, at 11:26 AM
yo my man fuk wat u said and hop off my md(my dick)
Anonymous, at 7:21 PM
Anonymous, at 7:23 PM
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