Lenny Dorsey here again, the last time you all read what I wrote was when I talked about relationships and love. But now has come the time for me to formally introduce myself, hi I’m Lenny Dorsey. Periodically, that’s once in a while for the slower ones, I’ll be making a posting or two. Like Wise&Young, I live in the DC metro area, but I wasn’t dumb enough to move Bmore. Went to school at the REAL HU, work for a public relations firm, and have been in the life well since, damn, well since for as long as I can remember. Grew up in
Now that the weather is changing, and daylight savings time approaches, of course the kids want to start dating someone for the fall, because after a summer and spring filled with romps in the park, party circuit, and et al. So now the A4A profiles change, those who met dateable men during the spring and summer, call them up to see if they are still available because they are ready to settle down. Out of these seasonal unions a few survive and turn into something worthwhile for both parties. But the majority end up as nothing more than warm body to come home to and provides the comfort of a consistent fuck buddy. Do I sound bitter? No, I’m not bitter at all. But I am a fervent believer that there are two types of Queens, the ones who settle down into comfortable Long Term relationships or the ones who are always on the move.
I’ve come to resign myself that I am one who is always on the move, not the settle down type. I used to yearn so hard and tough for a relationship with any semblance of a good person that I ended up telling myself be taken advantage of, compromising who I was, and biting my tongue until I nearly chocked on the blood that poured from my tongue into my mouth. During this stage in my development, I say development because I think its important for everyone to try it, even if you’re not a settle down type man, just to know that its not for you, I was stood up 14 times, dogged out 27 times, and lied to countless. Before you all start running to type oh its where you were meeting them, and what type of men they were, that’s bullshit. I dated lawyers, doctors, gym bunnies, introverts, extroverts, people I met on the street, people I met in the gym, people I met on the subway, people I met online, and people who my “friends” tried to hook me up with. All with the same shitty ass results. It wasn’t until a year ago that one I woke up and decided, “FUCK THIS SHIT”, fuck these antiquated notions of dating, love, and 2.5 kids. I’m gonna do me, and whomever I want to whenever. It wasn’t until then that I haven’t been so happy. Now when fellas try their game, I cut it off, and let them know I’m not having it. When I get those sporadic texts, phone calls, or other means of communication from someone who I haven’t from in months I call them on their shit to. The times I want to fuck, I let the other party know what the deal is, that I don’t care about them, how they feel, or what they are going through I only want to fuck. Most are taken aback, clutch their pearls and try to act holier than thou, but that façade quickly passes and they accept and revel in it.
I know some queens who have read the “Secret” and countless self help books anre going to shake their head at me and think oh what a shame, another wayward child. But fuck that shit, I’m happy. Happy with living a life filled with joy, free of drama, and without the bullshit that comes with those who play your emotions like a novice guitarist picks at the strings. I have a question for those queens, when was the last time you were truly happy? When was the last time that you could look at your life, and see how you have made it better than instead of letting some pop psychiatry dictate what you should do and not do? Have any of those books help land you a partner? Or are they saying you’ll get one when you’re ready. Well the Fireplace, the Mill, and every club, bar, bathhouse, and cruising spot are places where your predecessors end up, bitter, thirsty, and alone. I’m not saying you have to life your life like Lenny Dorsey, but live your life the best way you can, not the best way someone else told you.
Labels: Lenny Dorsey, Relationships
...Interesting commentary
ThisMightBeMe, at 1:00 PM
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