Time to be OWT
Time to be O-W-T!!!!!!
Right after my probate and the fan fare died down, two my friends who are Deltas took me aside and said “Wise Young, no matter what you do, you GOT TO BE O-W-T!!!!” At first I was like what the hell is OWT, basically you need to be known make yourself known to other frat and other Greeks in general. Also, not to worry about being charged up, or in other words someone testing if you really are part of that frat. Now, my Dean said to make yourself known be but aware that you may get hemmed if you act like you suspect. But for some reason when my friends at the time said it really made it stick out in my mind and I was like I most definitely am going to be OWT. (For those of you who are guessing what I am, don’t be mislead my by constant use of the term OWT)
With that being said, I made sure that I was definitely making myself known to all who were my frat. That all changed, after I graduated I was really focused on getting my feet on the ground, and taking care of business that my fraternal obligations were put on a back burner. I stopped talking to my LB’s, Dean, pretty much I cut off ties with them all for various reasons. But now that I got my –ish together I’m going to become active in my frat again. First step is to join a graduate chapter, one good thing about living in the DC metro area, there are plenty of chapters to choose to join. Each does the same mission and has the same aims but how each fulfill those is really interesting. I am not sitting back and thinking and have attended a few meetings and seeing which chapter I would like to join.
Another reason to join that I used to be really active in undergrad, and now, most of my activities have pretty much halted, so this will be a good way of having something to do. Unlike in undergrad, I have a much better understanding of the dynamics and how things work. So get ready for to be O-W-T.
Right after my probate and the fan fare died down, two my friends who are Deltas took me aside and said “Wise Young, no matter what you do, you GOT TO BE O-W-T!!!!” At first I was like what the hell is OWT, basically you need to be known make yourself known to other frat and other Greeks in general. Also, not to worry about being charged up, or in other words someone testing if you really are part of that frat. Now, my Dean said to make yourself known be but aware that you may get hemmed if you act like you suspect. But for some reason when my friends at the time said it really made it stick out in my mind and I was like I most definitely am going to be OWT. (For those of you who are guessing what I am, don’t be mislead my by constant use of the term OWT)
With that being said, I made sure that I was definitely making myself known to all who were my frat. That all changed, after I graduated I was really focused on getting my feet on the ground, and taking care of business that my fraternal obligations were put on a back burner. I stopped talking to my LB’s, Dean, pretty much I cut off ties with them all for various reasons. But now that I got my –ish together I’m going to become active in my frat again. First step is to join a graduate chapter, one good thing about living in the DC metro area, there are plenty of chapters to choose to join. Each does the same mission and has the same aims but how each fulfill those is really interesting. I am not sitting back and thinking and have attended a few meetings and seeing which chapter I would like to join.
Another reason to join that I used to be really active in undergrad, and now, most of my activities have pretty much halted, so this will be a good way of having something to do. Unlike in undergrad, I have a much better understanding of the dynamics and how things work. So get ready for to be O-W-T.
That is hot! I am doing the same when I get to NYC. I really looking forward to it.
N4R, at 11:38 AM
Glad to see that your continuing your mission and your drive.
BMass, at 10:58 AM
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