The weekend
This weekend I thought was going to turn out like last weekend, made plans and they fall through. To my surprise this time they actually worked out, maybe it was b/c I really didn’t think that they were going to. The first thing was on Saturday I planned to meet up with an African cousin of mine, really still not to sure how they are related to me but alas they are. So I get to his spot in this EXPENSIVE part of DC, where the last time black people lived there, they were probably walking with their freedom papers on them at all times. I get there and then I remember, oh shit he’s married w/ two sons. Let me tell you about these little boys.
They were the cutest little bad-ass black boys I’ve met in years. The first one was four years old and he was able to speak Spanish, French, and English fluently. I’m like oh damn never does someone who can’t even tie their shoe be able to converse in more languages than I. As a typical four year old his attention span was about the size of, well his age. I tried to teach him a step, and he learned about two parts of it, and then he decided to make up his own. Kids got to love ‘em. The youngest was the 11 month old who was learning how to walk, and was crawling everyplace and getting into trouble. I mean he was just a typical baby, getting into trouble for no reason.
So about this lunch meal that was supposed to happen around 1 and then oh, about 6 we sit down to each. Now my cousin and his wife, kept saying “let me know if it’s too spicy”, which I always find funny (side note those who know my cooking know that I used to cook my food so spicy that folks would sweat) so I smile and say I will if it is. Let me tell y’all the food was ON POINT, it was like the origins of where Gumbo came from, it was thick, flavorful, and filling. So you know a brotha tasted it and trying to figure out how she cooked it, I think I have a pretty good idea, so I’ll make a Wise&Young version of it soon.
After the dinner, I hoped back on the metro in time to get home b/c one of my friends friend is going to stay at my place until they find their own apt up here. So he did around 9 and then we just talked and chilled, that brotha has been going through some serious shit. Hearing stuff like that really puts things in perspective for me, that there is ALWAYS someone who has it harder than you.
On Sunday I made plans to meet another blogger @ a cool trendy type spot. So I was there, we talked met a two other people. It was interesting to hang out w/ folks around my own age in this city where it seems like everyone is about 32 and older. This is fine but every now & again I like to be surrounded by people who are in my own generation just to hang out and chill. While at the spot I was told about his “Chocolate Sundays” which was new thing being down in DuPont for guys of color in our age range. This “Chocolate Sundays” was supposed to be from 6-9.
After the group dispersed I decided to go to Fuddruckers and ate a buffalo bugger, which was on point! Then I went to just walk around DuPont until the “Chocolate Sundays” thing was kicking off. Then around 5:30 I went to the Fireplace and it wasn’t as crowded as it usually it on a Sunday night. So the music was okay, they had some good videos and I stayed there until 6:15 and walked back over to “Chocolate Sundays” when I walked up the stair no chocolate, coffee, caramel, or café au lait anyplace to be seen only French vanilla.
I had two choices: go back home, or go back to the fireplace. Well I decided to go back and not waste my outfit. I decided to take some of my own advice, and make myself look like I was having a good time, and enjoying myself, which for me meant chillin’ to the music. That was cool for a minute, and it started to get a little thick up in the fireplace but not enough to be claustrophobic. So I’m there, and I start making small talk based on what folks have on, music, and just shooting the shit.
Well to make a long story short I talked to like 9 people w/ various types of convos. I gave my number to three folks. If any of them call, I’ll recant how I met them etc, otherwise I think it’s pretty fruitless to get my hopes up high for no reason.
They were the cutest little bad-ass black boys I’ve met in years. The first one was four years old and he was able to speak Spanish, French, and English fluently. I’m like oh damn never does someone who can’t even tie their shoe be able to converse in more languages than I. As a typical four year old his attention span was about the size of, well his age. I tried to teach him a step, and he learned about two parts of it, and then he decided to make up his own. Kids got to love ‘em. The youngest was the 11 month old who was learning how to walk, and was crawling everyplace and getting into trouble. I mean he was just a typical baby, getting into trouble for no reason.
So about this lunch meal that was supposed to happen around 1 and then oh, about 6 we sit down to each. Now my cousin and his wife, kept saying “let me know if it’s too spicy”, which I always find funny (side note those who know my cooking know that I used to cook my food so spicy that folks would sweat) so I smile and say I will if it is. Let me tell y’all the food was ON POINT, it was like the origins of where Gumbo came from, it was thick, flavorful, and filling. So you know a brotha tasted it and trying to figure out how she cooked it, I think I have a pretty good idea, so I’ll make a Wise&Young version of it soon.
After the dinner, I hoped back on the metro in time to get home b/c one of my friends friend is going to stay at my place until they find their own apt up here. So he did around 9 and then we just talked and chilled, that brotha has been going through some serious shit. Hearing stuff like that really puts things in perspective for me, that there is ALWAYS someone who has it harder than you.
On Sunday I made plans to meet another blogger @ a cool trendy type spot. So I was there, we talked met a two other people. It was interesting to hang out w/ folks around my own age in this city where it seems like everyone is about 32 and older. This is fine but every now & again I like to be surrounded by people who are in my own generation just to hang out and chill. While at the spot I was told about his “Chocolate Sundays” which was new thing being down in DuPont for guys of color in our age range. This “Chocolate Sundays” was supposed to be from 6-9.
After the group dispersed I decided to go to Fuddruckers and ate a buffalo bugger, which was on point! Then I went to just walk around DuPont until the “Chocolate Sundays” thing was kicking off. Then around 5:30 I went to the Fireplace and it wasn’t as crowded as it usually it on a Sunday night. So the music was okay, they had some good videos and I stayed there until 6:15 and walked back over to “Chocolate Sundays” when I walked up the stair no chocolate, coffee, caramel, or café au lait anyplace to be seen only French vanilla.
I had two choices: go back home, or go back to the fireplace. Well I decided to go back and not waste my outfit. I decided to take some of my own advice, and make myself look like I was having a good time, and enjoying myself, which for me meant chillin’ to the music. That was cool for a minute, and it started to get a little thick up in the fireplace but not enough to be claustrophobic. So I’m there, and I start making small talk based on what folks have on, music, and just shooting the shit.
Well to make a long story short I talked to like 9 people w/ various types of convos. I gave my number to three folks. If any of them call, I’ll recant how I met them etc, otherwise I think it’s pretty fruitless to get my hopes up high for no reason.
What a pleasure it was to meet you, also I feel you, its about time the young folks get together to hang out in our own element. It is truly inspiring to be among other young black brothas who are doing things and doing it well. I was looking forward to hearing how "Chocolate Sundays" turned out, when it was explained it sparked my interest but my studies kept that from taking place. Hopefully there will be more "Chocolate Sundays" to come.
SheknHD, at 8:22 AM
Sounds like a good weekend. We all need those every once in a while.
BMass, at 10:13 AM
cool weekend. remember next time take their number - maintain your flyness!!! why leave things to chance.
N4R, at 5:25 PM
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