Just a quick update and Thank you!
First I’d like to thank all the positive feedback I received from those who viewed my blog and hit me up in a variety of means to give me advice, inspiration, and contacts. It really means a lot to me. As an update, I can honestly say that I’m alright. What really pissed me off about the situation was these two aspects. The week of my closing on my house, I asked one of the guys in the company if there was any talk of letting me go or anything like that simply because I noticed that the amount of work I was getting was trickling in, if it did at all. But the real thing was I went on two job interviews the week before, and I was trying to get a new job before anything like this happened. It just so happens that this happened to soon. Aww well fuck ‘em.
Now to update you all on Bmore, the brothers here are…different. When I say different, its not a bad thing its just a totally different culture than the DC metro area. Here the people in general are more down to earth and folksy in a way. I haven’t ran into too many attitudes, other than my own, but I do feel a little out of place, have I become too DC?!?!?! God, I hope not. But I think I have in some aspects. For example in DC, when you go out, you go out and dress, whatever style that you can imagine but you actually put some thought into what you put on, and how you put yourself together. Well, in Baltimore this is not the case at all, people here believe in the “C’est la vie” method of dressing when going out, meaning shit if I got it one I’m wearing it no matter how it looks. Which is…different, I have met a few people in
I started working out again, I’m proud of myself so far 4x this week Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. The only bad thing is that I have to watch my time, at the gym in
Oh, so who’s Leonard Dorsey, he’s something I’m working on, I’m thinking of writing a book a gay black novel in the same vein as Larry Kramer’s Faggots. I’m still working on what I want so expect to see short stories, and entries from and about Leonard Dorsey.
I’m thinking about throwing my own birthday party in April, with a 90’s theme. I’m talking about 90’s music, trivia, dances, and more. A good way to welcome the 2-5…yes I’m still young bitches eat it up!!!!
Also, one of my associates gave me their point on my love life or lack thereof. They said they don’t see my with an African-American, or someone who was raised with that idea. He then said he sees with a foreign “Black” meaning an African, West Indian, Euro-African, etc. The reason he said was b/c of my interests, how I was raised, and my background. Those who really know me, know that I wasn’t raised and exposed to a lot of the quirks of the African-American community and to this day I can understand and conceptualize certain aspects of it but not really fully take it as my own. As far as my interests, I mean I’m not terribly different but I have noticed that not too many African-Americans have been exposed to certain interests I have. My background yea I mean just scroll down. LOL. It’s always interesting to hear an outsiders view on you and your situation.
Glad that things seem back in order. After living in DC for 10 years and moving back to NYC, it took a minute to get reacquainted with the difference in life-speed, attitudes and yes, even dress code. I still think that individual style prevails, no matter where you live – unless of course, I’m just showing my age by saying that. Happy upcoming b-day. You should switch the them of your b-day party to a Blogger Birthday and have all of us come down there and surprise your ass… you would probably recognize half of us and, if nothing else, it would sure make for a helluva gathering! Enjoy B-Mo’… I have friends (and an ex) down there… it’s DC with hood appeal… LOL
Unknown, at 11:44 AM
Hey! I'm actually in B-More at a conference until Friday! I've only been here 2 days, and I can DEFINITELY feel what you mean about the people. Interesting, to say the least. Holler if you're interested in chatting with a fellow blogger making a visit to MD! I have no idea what the T is around here, and I always open to having somebody show me the way!
dancehard, at 3:58 AM
man ! didnt know all of that was happening to you... and where have i been all that time ? killing myself at work ! Reading this makes me hate my job a little less.
sorry to hear all of that, no news for the past 3 weeks i hope you're doing good.
We still have to talk about that trip if you're still taking it !
Soldier, at 8:01 PM
Hey man just ran across your blog, hope you dont mind my comment...
A native of DC currently living in Atlanta. I must say even when i come up to the "urea" and i think i still got the DC in me, the styles everywhere are different. Take some time to know who you are, not who people want you to be. It took me about 2 years to get to that point and now i can honestly say that I LOVE ME. Self love will help you through any obstacles you may come to. I purchased my first home at the age of 21 after many told me i was too young to do it, i loved me enough to make it happen. Not sure if youre back among the working or still just having some you time, either way, make the most of it.
A side note, had some damage to my house and i have no access to the kitchen....no microwave, no refrigerator, no stove.....times like these that make you appreciate the constants in your life like friends, family and the gym. Live your life and make every day count be it professionally, spiritually, emotionally and beyond. Sorry to take up so much space...ill stop now.
B Free
B Free, at 4:35 PM
Hey man, I am missing you in Blogopia. I hope that all is well with you, the new house, the job, and your TERPS program.
Your birthday is this month... has it already passed? Anyways, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!
Check back in when you get a chance!
Anonymous, at 3:29 AM
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